If this is your first time booking a taxi, here are 7 tips to follow to make sure you stay safe and have a place to stay. A taxi ride can be a pleasurable experience, or it can come straight out of a bad dream. If you’ve never taken a cab before, you’re probably a little worried about the big picture.

While there are some cab rides that go wrong, most are good. However, we cannot leave anything to chance. Therefore, you need to be well prepared to ensure a safe and comfortable driving experience.

This article will go over everything a taxi driver needs to know and do to have a good taxi experience.

Factors to Consider Before Hiring a Taxi

Do not hire the services of the first taxi company you find. First you need to make sure they are right for you. Pay attention to the following:


Ask them if they have licenses for the services they offer. A license is an indication of a legitimate business because it must meet certain state standards before it can be granted one.


Reputation is paramount in the service industry. Therefore, it is important that you do your research. Go online and check out customer reviews. See the relationship between good and bad experiences. You can then make the decision to judge.

Type of service offered

If you have specific needs, it’s important to ask first as not all companies offer certain services.


Even if you want good offices, that doesn’t mean you have to pay an arm and a leg for it. Therefore, you need to call different companies and see which one will meet your needs.

Then compare them by price to find the one that gives you the best value for your money.

Now that you know what to look for when choosing a taxi service, here are some tips for a safe and comfortable driving experience.

Tips for a safe trip in the City

If you don’t have the time to look for a taxi company, you can always find one the old fashioned way.

However, keep these seven tips in mind to ensure a safe trip. While you’re at it, here are some etiquette rules to follow.

1. Find out about prices and good deals

Ask locals for the typical price for your destination and tip them.

This will ensure that the driver does not overwhelm you. It is also a good idea to clarify the price with the driver before driving so that you are on the same page when paying.

2. Call instead of saying hello

Unfortunately, some taxi drivers are known to work with thieves to steal customers. For example, the dishonest driver might discover the valuable item that he has placed next to him.

They then send the attacker an SMS with the details. At a traffic light, you suddenly see how the door opens and your things are taken from you.

This is just one of the many scams that can arise when calling a taxi. However, if you need recommendations for a reputable company, you can speak to your dispatcher to arrange a taxi for you.

Thus, in the event of a problem, you have a single point of contact for your complaints.

3. Avoid taking taxis when you are drunk and alone

Another tips you should consider while booking a taxi is controlling a drunk car. However, if you are on your own, this might not be the best idea. The risks are endless. First, an unscrupulous driver could take advantage of your drunkenness to overload you.

Worse, you could find yourself in the hands of a renegade driver who could harm you.

Many drunk drivers have been overworked, injured or killed due to their vulnerable situation. So ask a friend to join you or consider other options such as: B. Motels when you are alone.

4. Sit in the back seat

It is safer in the rear as it is not as clearly visible to the driver or passers-by. This makes it difficult for them to tell whether or not you are potential prey. If you are alone, this is the ideal seat because it is not easily accessible.

5. Hide valuables

Here are another tips you should consider while booking a taxi. Avoid using your phone on the street while waiting for your taxi. This makes you a target for potential thieves. In the vehicle, make sure your windows are open when using your phone.

If you have other valuables like cameras, put them in a bag and seal it. Then place the bag under your feet. This will make it difficult for anyone to see or realize.

6. Look for anything suspicious

Each taxi should have a meter to track charges and a radio to take calls from dispatchers. If a taxi is missing any of these things, do not get in the vehicle. In addition, the driver must have an identity document which he must present on request. Otherwise, avoid this vehicle.

Also make sure the interior door handle is working before installation. This is how people were kidnapped.

The most important thing is never to get in a taxi that has someone other than the driver. Taxi rides must be personal.

Therefore, do not get into the vehicle no matter what the driver or front passenger tries to tell you. He’s unlikely to do well.

7. Remove your belongings first.

Some can operators may not remind you to collect your belongings; they can be forgetful. You can accidentally leave before you collect your things.

So that such a thing never happens to you, you only pay when you got everything out of the car.

In an ideal world, no one would take advantage of another person. Unfortunately, the world we live in is far from ideal. For this reason, you have to be extra careful when calling a taxi. Bad things have happened with taxi rides. However, for every bad trip, there are tons of happy customers. The trick is to do your research to have a taxi brand you can trust. We hope these tips will help you with your taxi booking next time. Are you in the Oneonta / Cooperstown (NY) area looking for a reliable taxi service? Absolute Taxi is there for you. Our team is made up of professionals who are trained, experienced, tested, and licensed to ensure you reach your destination safely and on time. Contact us today for more information.

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