What are the weirdest jobs that have ever come to your mind? In our childhood, we all have wanted to do some job when we grow up. We all had dream jobs. Some of us had decent dreams like a pilot or teacher, while others had some bizarre ideas. However, there are some weirdest jobs in the world that pay you just for sleeping the whole day, watching movies, or eating food!
Does it seem unbelievable? Believe it or not, there are actually jobs like that!
Here is the list of the 7 weirdest jobs in the world that will astound you:
1. Professional Sleeper
Professional sleepers are on the first list of one of the weirdest jobs in the world. They help in researching the purposes of specific things. They try beds, mattresses, and bedding for different enterprises. The main job is to inform them of the comfortability of the products.

The hotel Finn in Helsinki, in Finland, hired an employee as a professional sleeper. So that they could understand the beds are relaxing for their guests. The person slept in a different hotel bed every night and documented the thought of each mattress.
2. Professional Mourner
Do people in your home call you a cry baby? Well, tell them right on their face that people will hire for your crying. Yes! You heard that right. People do get paid for mourning.
The origination of this occupation was from Egyptian, Chinese, Mediterranean, and Near Eastern cultures. The residents believed that if you grieve loudly funeral, it will assist your dead relative to travel to the afterlife more smoothly. That is why they employ people for crying in a burial ceremony.
3. Netflix Watcher
Have you ever thought or dreamed that you can get a salary for just watching movies or shows? Well, even it seems bizarre, Netflix has hired an employee to do the same.

The employee has to watch all the contents of Netflix before those are available for the viewers. After that, they have to report a review and assign each program the correct tags. It is to help subscribers find what they want to watch, whether it’s a fictional web series, romantic movies, or animation.
4. Odor Analyst
If you think the job of an odor analyst or judge is to test the effectiveness of new products, then you are not technically wrong. However, the actual work of this weirdest job is to smell volunteers’ breath, feet, and armpits.
Yes! You read that right. Odor judges check the efficacy of the smell after using it on people’s bodies. The employees test their sense of smell regularly, so the assessment of the products is accurate.
5. Wedding Guest
We all love going to a wedding and having some yummy food. However, did you know visiting a wedding as a guest can also get you paid?

Some of us may have heard of celebrities charging to attend a wedding, but in Japan, it is a part-timer job of people.
6. Pet Food Taster
Have you ever wondered what dog food would taste? Ask a pet food tester.

The work of a pet food taster contains trying the latest pet food flavors. The food products include bones, tinned meat, and biscuits. The food may feel disgusting for some since dogs, cats, and other pets eat different textures and flavors than humans.
Even though pets have different tastes than us, a taster’s job is to make sure each ingredient is healthy and well-balanced.
7. Rental Boyfriend
Japan has some of the weirdest jobs in the world. A website in Japan allows renting a boyfriend if you pay the price. The app claims that they will provide you with a boyfriend on an hourly basis.
Not just boyfriends, you can even hire a girlfriend. In Japan, there is also an anime name Rent-a-Girlfriend.