Zing Events & Entertainment

Zing Events & Entertainment is now prominently featured on our platform, aimed at gathering valuable feedback from customers to better understand and improve the customer experience. This business, categorized under Event management companies, proudly serves the community of Siliguri, West Bengal. Our ongoing evaluation process is designed to highlight establishments that demonstrate excellence in service, commitment to customer satisfaction, and a dedication to quality. We invite you to contribute your honest ratings, detailed reviews, and personal experiences, which are essential in helping us and potential customers gain insightful perspectives on the services provided. Your input is invaluable in shaping a transparent and trusted environment for future patrons. Business verified by our team are labelled with verified badge. They are reliable & trustworthy. Their contact and business information are updated frequently.


5.0 (7)

3rd floor, International Market, Panitanki More, Sevoke Rd, Ward 11, Near Pani Tanki More (Clock Tower), Siliguri, West Bengal 734005
Located in : International Market

SINCE: 2015

Zing Events & Entertainment is one such Event Management Company in Siliguri among other companies that organize top class events for their clients at an affordable price. They have hard-working and passionate staff who work tirelessly to make the events a memorable one for their clients. The staff are well-trained and dedicated. Zing Events & Entertainment is located in the heart of the city which makes it easily reachable via available modes of transport. They organize corporate events, wedding & other social events, brand & product launches, etc. They also have various packages which the clients can choose from according to their needs.

Catering Service, Photography, Flower Decoration, Lighting, Music

All Days : 24 Hours

Customer Reviews

Post Review

Zing Events & Entertainment

3rd floor, International Market, Panitanki More, Sevoke Rd, Ward 11, Near Pani Tanki More (Clock Tower), Siliguri, West Bengal 734005, Siliguri, West Bengal - 734005, IN
Located in : International Market



