Sai Upasak

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4.8 (1285)

NO 844, 3rd floor, 5th main, Chinmaya Mission Hospital Rd, Binnamangala, Stage 1, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560038

SINCE: 1980

Sri Sai Upasak Astrology is one of the well-known astrology centers in Bengaluru that helps people in 'Kundli and horoscope readings'. They give remedies and information in a simple, direct and practical manner. The Panditji has over 40 years of expertise in Astrology and Vastu-Shastra. He specializes in solving the career and education-related problems. The astrologer provides you with the necessary individual attention for your issues, and they offer you some of the most effective solutions for your problems. Sri Sai Upasak Astrology provides top spiritual, famous astrology solutions for astrological problems.

Astrology, Vaastu, Numerology Consultation, Predictions for Marriage-Matching, Horoscope, Palmistry, Kundali, Tantra, Relationship, Negative Force, Financial, Education and Job, Future Predictions, Marriage Compatibility, Etc.

Sat, Sun : Open 24 hours
Rest all Days : 7am - 10:30pm

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Sai Upasak

NO 844, 3rd floor, 5th main, Chinmaya Mission Hospital Rd, Binnamangala, Stage 1, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560038, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560038, IN

+917349773989 +919945184508



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