Dr. Vinod's Malabar Pet Clinic

Expert recommended Veterinary hospitals in Kozhikode, Kerala. Whether you're seeking professional services or exploring the finest local businesses near you, our selection embodies the pinnacle of quality and excellence. Dr. Vinod's Malabar Pet Clinic has been chosen through a rigorous process that considers customer feedback, service history, resolution of complaints, and overall satisfaction, each listing stands out for its trustworthiness, value, and exceptional service. This approach ensures that, regardless of the type of service or business you're interested in, you'll find only the best that Kozhikode has to offer, guaranteeing superior experiences and outcomes for all. Business verified by our team are labelled with verified badge. They are reliable & trustworthy. Their contact and business information are updated frequently.


4.2 (292)

Chakkorathukulam, Kozhikode, Kerala 673006, India

SINCE: 2019

Dr. Vinod's Malabar Pet Clinic houses skilled vet technicians and office staff who are dedicated to the pet’s healthcare and lifestyle. Besides various medical services they provide, they also have grooming services for the pets. Additionally, this well-known veterinary center provides client education sessions. The center is equipped with modern testing instruments. They maintain a clean & hygienic atmosphere.

All types of Treatment to Dogs, Cats & Birds, ECG, Scan, Laboratory Facility, Snake Bite Therapy, All types of Surgeries, Training for Dogs, Dedicated Staffs.

Sun : 9:30am - 3pm
Rest all Days : 9:30am - 8pm

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Dr. Vinod's Malabar Pet Clinic

Chakkorathukulam, Kozhikode, Kerala 673006, India, Kozhikode, Kerala - 673006, IN

+914952365339 +919847294339


