Dance With Soujanna Dance & Fitness Academy

Expert recommended Dance schools in Baguiati - Kolkata, West Bengal. Whether you're seeking professional services or exploring the finest local businesses near you, our selection embodies the pinnacle of quality and excellence. Dance With Soujanna Dance & Fitness Academy has been chosen through a rigorous process that considers customer feedback, service history, resolution of complaints, and overall satisfaction, each listing stands out for its trustworthiness, value, and exceptional service. This approach ensures that, regardless of the type of service or business you're interested in, you'll find only the best that Baguiati - Kolkata has to offer, guaranteeing superior experiences and outcomes for all. Business verified by our team are labelled with verified badge. They are reliable & trustworthy. Their contact and business information are updated frequently.


4.9 (104)

Sristi, I/D-1, Aswininagar Rd , Baguiati - Kolkata, West Bengal - 700159, IN
Near : Calcutta Public School

Dance With Soujanna Dance & Fitness Academy is one of the most renowned dance schools in Baguiati, Kolkata. They provide dance lessons from absolute beginners to advanced professionals by experienced and professional teachers. They aim at building dance as a serious career option for those who love dance by professionally trained teachers. Dance provides a bunch of benefits by advancing physical, mental, and enthusiastic prosperity. They offer services and aim at satisfying their customers.

Meditation classes,
Tutorial dance videos after each choreography.
Fitness workout classes.
Yoga classes.
Exams for classical/semi-classical/western (online/offline) are provided,
Certificates for student after exams per month,
Special dance choreography available,
Annual Function on December,
Certificates after 3/6-months/1-year course completion,

Sun : 12pm - 6pm
Mon to Sat : 9am - 3pm & 5pm - 10pm

Intro Video

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Dance With Soujanna Dance & Fitness Academy

Sristi, I/D-1, Aswininagar Rd, Baguiati - Kolkata, West Bengal - 700159, IN
Near : Calcutta Public School

+918697351353 +918584026176
