5 Best Child Specialist (Pediatrician) in Thaltej - Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Experts recommended Top 5 Child Specialist (Pediatrician) in Thaltej - Ahmedabad, Gujarat. All Child Specialist (Pediatrician) listed here are comparatively the Most Authentic, based on our research done by evaluating business age, trust, reputation, excellence, quality of services, customer satisfaction and their feedback, pricing and value for money. These businesses are better options as "Child Specialist (Pediatrician) near me" in your local search. You get to see only the Best. Business verified by our team are labelled with verified badge. They are reliable & trustworthy. Their contact and business information are updated frequently.


4.8 (283)

Pediatric OPD, Zydus Hospital, Thaltej, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380054, India
Located in : Thaltej

Dr. Ankit Mehta is a renowned pediatrician and child specialist based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. He is highly rated and recognized as one of the best pediatric doctors in the city. With several years of experience in the field, Dr. Mehta has established himself as a pioneer in pediatric critical care and emergency medicine. He is the first doctor in Gujarat to hold a super specialty degree in this field.

Pediatric Critical Care, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Child Health Check-ups, Vaccinations, Growth and Development Monitoring, Nutrition Counseling, Asthma Management, Allergy Testing and Treatment, Newborn Care, Child Psychology and Behavioral Counseling, Parenting Guidance

Monday - Friday: 10:30 AM–6:30 PM
Saturday: 10:30 AM–2 PM
Sunday: Closed

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