5 Best Vastu Consultant in Sector 51 - Gurugram , Haryana

Experts recommended Top 5 Vastu Consultant in Sector 51 - Gurugram, Haryana. All Vastu Consultant listed here are comparatively the Most Authentic, based on our research done by evaluating business age, trust, reputation, excellence, quality of services, customer satisfaction and their feedback, pricing and value for money. These businesses are better options as "Vastu Consultant near me" in your local search. You get to see only the Best. Business verified by our team are labelled with verified badge. They are reliable & trustworthy. Their contact and business information are updated frequently.

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5.0 (139)

142, Akashneem Marg, Mushedpur, DLF Phase 2, Sector 25, Gurugram, Sarhol, Haryana 122002, India

Pawan Kaushik, an Astrologer and Vastu Shastra expert has been serving people for over 25 years. With a keen interest to help people, he suggests effective remedies in the field. His proficiency, expertise and efficiency make him excellent Vastu Consultants in Gurgaon. For him astrology has a broader interpretation, it is a super science to delve into the meaning and purpose of human life. His expertise and precision speak volumes of his craft and have made him the Famous Astrologer experts in Delhi. His popularity can be witnessed by the quantum of admiration people show for him.

• Vaastu Consultation
• Astrology Services
• Gemstones Services
• Horoscope Analysis
• Match Making
• Health Remedies
• Birth Horoscope
• Future Education
• Children, Wealth, Property, Marriage, Career, Business Problem Solution

All Days : 11am - 8pm

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5.0 (308)

Emaar Palm Gardens, Sector - 83 Near Hyatt Regency Kherki, Dhola, Gurugram, Haryana 122004, India
Near : Hyatt Regency Kherki

SINCE: 2015

VaastuNidhie is a trusted name having helped more than thousand families through the tenets of vaastu and numerology since 2015. They have expertise in analyzing vastu followed by recommending remedies for all types of premises without demolition. They work on feasible changes and nullifying vastu defects by remedial measures and balancing panch tatva (five elements) in the premises.

Vastushastra is a 5000 years old science which is mentioned in Atharva ved. It is a science which synchronizes balance the between Human life and Nature, five elements, eight directions the electromagnetic field and gravitational force of the earth.
Reiki is a Natural healing technique administered through a touch of the hands or through a method of distance healing. Dr Mikao usi is the founder of the system of Reiki in the modern age.
Angel Therapy:
Angels are divine messengers. Since they emanate from the divine source, it is through the Angel's that they have a special link with God. He created these wondrous beings to guide, protect and inspire them. Their purpose is to serve them and to encourage them to grow and expand their consciousness.

All Days : 10am - 7pm

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