5 Best Vastu Consultant in Howrah , West Bengal

Experts recommended Top 5 Vastu Consultant in Howrah, West Bengal. All Vastu Consultant listed here are comparatively the Most Authentic, based on our research done by evaluating business age, trust, reputation, excellence, quality of services, customer satisfaction and their feedback, pricing and value for money. These businesses are better options as "Vastu Consultant near me" in your local search. You get to see only the Best. Business verified by our team are labelled with verified badge. They are reliable & trustworthy. Their contact and business information are updated frequently.


5.0 (12)

Madhya Joypur Bill, Liluah , Howrah, West Bengal - 711205, IN

Professor Budhadittya Shastri is one of the popular and knowledgeable Vastu Experts in Howrah. His expertise in Vastu Shastra includes direction of living space together with combining all five nature's elements to create a congenial setting/atmosphere helping the occupants to experience peace, prosperity, happiness, and soundness of health. Professor Budhadittya Shastri’s behavior, experience, methods & guidance makes him a priority for most people in and around Howrah. Fees and other charges are competitive.

Residential Vastu, Commercial Vastu, Industrial Vastu, Corporate Vastu, Temple Vastu.

All Days : 9am - 9pm

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5.0 (3)

55/10, Tantipara Ln, P.O, Santragachi, Howrah, West Bengal 711104, India

Sri Arindam is one of the renowned Vaastu Consultants in Howrah. They provide positioning and directional rules which prove to be helpful in forming positive energy at every corner of the building. Their charge is affordable and accepts various payment methods. According to customers, he is very knowledgeable and explains things in good ways and his advice and suggestions have been accurate.

Numerology, Vastu and others for betterment of both material and spiritual human lives.

Sun : Closed
Wed : 12pm - 6:30am
Rest all Days : 12pm - 6:30pm

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5.0 (10)

59, Belur Rd, Sector-1, Salkia, Howrah, West Bengal 711106, India

Acharya Manik Shastri’s behavior is very polite and friendly, listens to the problems very sincerely and by various means gets a better understanding firstly before giving off any suggestions. Most visitors found his suggestions very helpful in coming out of the unfavorable situations by keeping up hope during those tough times.

Astrology Service, Vastu Consultants, Palmistry, Numerology, Residential Vastu, Commercial Vastu.

Sat : 5pm - 9pm
Rest all Days : Closed

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