5 Best Jewellery shops in Kolhapur , Maharashtra

Experts recommended Top 5 Jewellery shops in Kolhapur, Maharashtra. All Jewellery shops listed here are comparatively the Most Authentic, based on our research done by evaluating business age, trust, reputation, excellence, quality of services, customer satisfaction and their feedback, pricing and value for money. These businesses are better options as "Jewellery shops near me" in your local search. You get to see only the Best. Business verified by our team are labelled with verified badge. They are reliable & trustworthy. Their contact and business information are updated frequently.


4.3 (568)

C.S. Number 340, Royal Miraj Arcade, Kolhapur Station Rd, E Ward , Kolhapur, Maharashtra - 416001, IN
Opposite to : Railway Station

Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt Ltd is the renowned name in E Ward, Kolhapur for various types of jewelry collections. The shop keeps a wide range of products to suit various demands and all within a reasonable price range. As per customer reviews, the store has a good collection and also the behavior of the staff are delightful and polite. The place is clean and they maintain proper hygiene protocols. They also have to offer exclusive bridal collections at various price ranges.

Any Type Of Gold & Diamond Jewellery Available, Unique Designs of Jewellery, Marvelous Gift Items, Pearls Jewellery.

All Days : 10:30am - 8:30pm

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4.8 (3889)

1445, Dasara Chowk, C Ward , Kolhapur, Maharashtra - 416002, IN

Tanishq Jewellery is the recognised name in the Kolhapur. The shop is well decorated and they have stunning designs and collections to draw back their customer’s attention. Customers recommended this place because of wide varieties of stock with attractive designs and discount offers. All collections are refreshed to keep with the trending and popular styles. This place is a well-decorated shop.

Gold & Diamond Jewellery, Precious Jewellery, Uncut Jewellery, Platinum & Silver Jewellery, Gold Polishing.
Amenities :
Digital Payment, Parking Spot Available.

All Days : 10am - 8pm

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4.7 (1390)

D.C.Elegance, E Ward, Nagalapark , Kolhapur, Maharashtra - 416006, IN
Opposite to : Khanvilkar Petrol Pump

Chipade Saraf and Sons is one of the well-known jewelry shops in Kolhapur. This shop is famous for making various types of jewelry designs. It's situated near Nagalapark. According to customers, they have a huge collection both in light and heavy jewelry and all collections are unique. Customers can get products at a reasonable budget. All staff's behaviors are good and polite to their customers.

Variety of Hallmarked and Certified Gold jewellery, Stylish and Contemporary Designs, Marvelous Gift Items.

Sat : Closed
Sun : 10am - 8:30pm
Rest all Days : 10am - 8pm

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