5 Best Homeopathic clinics in Chakrata, Uttarakhand

Experts recommended Top 5 Homeopathic clinics in Chakrata, Uttarakhand. All Homeopathic clinics listed here are comparatively the Most Authentic, based on our research done by evaluating business age, trust, reputation, excellence, quality of services, customer satisfaction and their feedback, pricing and value for money. These businesses are better options as "Homeopathic clinics near me" in your local search. You get to see only the Best. Business verified by our team are labelled with verified badge. They are reliable & trustworthy. Their contact and business information are updated frequently.


4.5 (655)

No 52/A, 1st Floor Rajpur Road, VC Dilaram Bazaar, near Vishal Mega Mart, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001
Near : Vishal Mega Mart

Dr Batra’s Homeopathy Clinic is one of the good homeopathy clinics in Dehradun offers long-lasting relief from health problems by using the natural, German science of homeopathy. Dr. Babita Thakur devoted to spreading her knowledge in homoeopathic medical science and has an acute sense of medical analysis. They are committed to providing the good quality treatment and have set up international standards in homoeopathic practice.

Asthma, Alopecia, Backache, Bedwetting, Bronchitis, Pimples, Acne, Melasma, Dandruff, Dermatitis, Lichen, Eczema, Fibroids, PCOD, Kidney Diseases.

Sat, Sun : 10am - 9pm
Rest all Days : 11am - 8pm

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4.9 (450)

214, Omkar Rd, behind GPO, Chukkuwala, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001, India
Near : GPO

SINCE: 2001

Dr. Goutam Prasad Jakhmola clinic is one of the leading homeopathic clinics in Dehradun. Dr. Goutam Prasad Jakhmola, is one of the good homeopathic doctor and get yourself treated with homeopathic who aims to treat the root cause of the disease and treat the patient as a whole, treating the patient mentally and physically. He is devoted to spreading his knowledge in homoeopathic medical science and has an acute sense of medical analysis.

Depression, Psoriasis, Tonsillitis, Lichen Planus, Infertility, Eczema, Allergic Rhinitis, Warts, Autism, Hyperthyroidism, Leucorrhoea, Alopecia Areata, Bronchitis, Osteoarthritis, Cholecystitis.

Sun : Closed
Rest all Days : 10am - 2pm

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