5 Best Eye hospitals in Kurduwadi - Solapur , Maharashtra

Experts recommended Top 5 Eye hospitals in Kurduwadi - Solapur, Maharashtra. All Eye hospitals listed here are comparatively the Most Authentic, based on our research done by evaluating business age, trust, reputation, excellence, quality of services, customer satisfaction and their feedback, pricing and value for money. These businesses are better options as "Eye hospitals near me" in your local search. You get to see only the Best. Business verified by our team are labelled with verified badge. They are reliable & trustworthy. Their contact and business information are updated frequently.


4.6 (174)

Dr. M.G, 50, Railway Lines, Pradhan Marg, Solapur, Maharashtra 413001, India

SINCE: 1984

Pradhan Eye Hospital was founded by Dr Uma Pradhan in 1984 From a modest three room set-up they have gradually grown to a spacious modern fully NABH accredited hospital with comprehensive eye-care facilities under one roof. This well maintained hospital has built a reputation for eye surgeries. They make use of the latest technology and qualified medical personnel for the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. People can opt for regular eye checkups or go for specialized care. The staff is cordial and well trained to cater to the patients and give extraordinary care.

Lasik Surgery, Phaco Cataract, Retinal, Laser, Vitreoretinal Surgeries, Squint, Contact Lenses.

Sun : Closed
Sat : 10am - 4pm
Mon to Fri : 10am - 7pm

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5.0 (17)

Above Hotel Spice and Ice, Dufferien chowk, opp. Damani Blood Bank, Maharashtra 413001, India
Opposite to : Damani Blood Bank

Ramkrishna Eye Hospital is one of the leading eye hospitals that provides unparalleled quality of service in Solapur. Since their beginning, they have been committed to provide the good possible eye care to all. They have well-trained professionals in this field. Ramkrishna Eye Hospital has the latest technology for all eye-related problems. They provide the good service, with hygiene and sanitation.

Cataract, Eye Laser Treatment, Retina Checkup, Glaucoma, Cornea, Refractive.

Sun : Closed
Thurs : 10am - 7pm
Rest all Days : 10am - 8pm

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