5 Best Engineering colleges in Kolhapur , Maharashtra

Experts recommended Top 5 Engineering colleges in Kolhapur, Maharashtra. All Engineering colleges listed here are comparatively the Most Authentic, based on our research done by evaluating business age, trust, reputation, excellence, quality of services, customer satisfaction and their feedback, pricing and value for money. These businesses are better options as "Engineering colleges near me" in your local search. You get to see only the Best. Business verified by our team are labelled with verified badge. They are reliable & trustworthy. Their contact and business information are updated frequently.


4.2 (503)

Vidya Nagar , Kolhapur, Maharashtra - 416004, IN

SINCE: 2006

Shivaji University started Department of Technology in June 2006 with the aim that opportunity for students to learn in technology education and research of global standard for the human resource development. They provide a high quality of education to their students. The centre maintains discipline and regularity and tries to build the concentration of their students. The college offers B.Tech in computer science, ectronics, electrical, mechanical, etc. The institute provides various courses of B.Tech and others. They organize placement cells during the placement season.

Distance Education, M.Tech, B.Tech, Diploma, Management, MBA, BBA, Architecture, Computer Applications, BCA, Pharmacy, Laboratory Facility, Library.

Sun : Closed
Rest all Days :10:30 am - 5:30 pm

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4.3 (1037)

Gokul Shirgaon , Kolhapur, Maharashtra - 416234, IN

SINCE: 1983

Kolhapur Institute of Technology's College of Engineering popularly known as, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, was granted autonomous status by UGC and AICTE New Delhi. Spread over 30 acres, the natural form of the landscape has been preserved. Premier Institute in engineering & Technology established in 1983 by group of visionary industrialist, professionals and educationalists. The vast exposure and experience of its founders has helped Kolhapur institute of Technology’s College of Engineering Kolhapur to establish its identity as an Institute of repute in the field of Engineering and Management education. The first among the self-financed engineering college in Maharashtra. Their mission to empower the faculty, Staff and aspiring Engineers with essential technical knowledge & skills.

M.Tech, B.Tech, Diploma, Management, MBA, BBA, Architecture, Computer Applications, BCA, Library, Computer Centre, Central Workshop, Bus Schedule, Medical Facilities.

Mon : Closed
Rest all Days : 8 am - 6 pm

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4.3 (980)

Kasaba Bawada , Kolhapur, Maharashtra - 416006, IN

SINCE: 1984

D.Y. Patil College of Engineering and Technology is a private college located in Kasaba Bavda, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India. It is affiliated with Shivaji University with highest campus placements and easiest admissions to engineering courses. Top and Best Engineering College that is dedicated to providing its students with an education that combines rigorous academic study and the excitement of discovery with the support and intellectual stimulation of a diverse campus community. Their vision to become a leading Institute in producing high quality technical professionals for Nation Building.

Civil Engineering, Computer Science And Engineering, Electronics And Telecommunication Enginering, Artificial Intelligencestructural, Mechanical Engineering, M.Tech, B.Tech, Diploma, Management, MBA, BBA, Laboratories, Conference Halls, Library, Sports and Games, Transport.

Sun : Closed
Rest all Days : 9 am - 5 pm

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