5 Best Dental clinics in Junagadh , Gujarat

Experts recommended Top 5 Dental clinics in Junagadh, Gujarat. All Dental clinics listed here are comparatively the Most Authentic, based on our research done by evaluating business age, trust, reputation, excellence, quality of services, customer satisfaction and their feedback, pricing and value for money. These businesses are better options as "Dental clinics near me" in your local search. You get to see only the Best. Business verified by our team are labelled with verified badge. They are reliable & trustworthy. Their contact and business information are updated frequently.


4.9 (248)

302, AppleWood Complex, 3rd Floor Hotel Vishala Street Road, Opposite Bus Station exit gate,, Balotra, Joshipura, Junagadh, Gujarat 362001
Opposite to : Bus Station Exit Gate

SINCE: 2012

Providing high-quality dental treatment by trained and professional orthodontists is what Gajera Dental Care in Joshipura, Junagadh is known for. They specialize in treating all types of dental problems like dental cleanings, fillings, root canals, and extractions, teeth whitening, crowns, teeth implants, etc. Their goal is to provide various treatments and help their clients in dealing with their dental problems and oral diseases in life. They provide services at quite an affordable range.

Dental Filling, Flap Surgery, Dental Checkup, Teeth Reshaping, Artificial Teeth, Tooth Extraction, Dental Implants, Cosmetic Dentistry.

CERTIFICATE: Certificate No : 10RH11110461

Sun : 10am - 1pm
Rest all Days : 8am - 8pm

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5.0 (62)

2nd floor Hira Panna trade centre S.T Road, Gujarat 362001

Takvani Dental Clinic & Implant Centre is a Dental Clinic of extremely professional dentists and orthodontists. It is a clinic that is dedicated to professional treatments for every patient in need. They have highly qualified and experienced orthodontists who ensure that every patient is delivered with treatments regarding their problems. This clinic is a one-stop destination for every patient who needs dental treatment belonging to any age group.

Dental Implants, Braces, Veneers, Dentures, Dental Crowns, Dental Bridges, Extractions, Teeth Cleaning, Wisdom Tooth Extraction.

Sun : Closed
Sat : 10am - 2pm
Rest all Days : 10am - 7:30pm

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4.9 (51)

103,star platinum complex, Madhuram, Junagadh, Gujarat 362001

Global Dental Clinic is one of the most renowned Dental clinics in Junagadh which provide dental treatments for all age groups by experienced and professional Orthodontists. General dentists prevent, evaluate, diagnose, and treat diseases of the oral cavity, as well as maintain the function and appearance of the They offer treatments and aim at satisfying their patients at an affordable range. Professional dentists and orthodontists provide treatments to every client in need, aim at treating all the possible teeth problems of their patients.

Root Canal Treatment, Dental Implant Fixing, Dental Crowns, Crowns and Bridges Fixing, Cosmetic Dentistry.

Sun : Closed
Rest all Days : 9am - 8pm

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5.0 (34)

2,3,4 parab no utaro, Jalaram Society, Talav Gate, Junagadh, Gujarat 362001

Pratha Dental Clinic is one such Dental Clinic in Junagadh among others that provide professional treatment procedures for every patient. All treatments are carried out by trained orthodontists to various age groups of patients. Pratha Dental Clinic is located in the heart of the city which makes the clinic easy to visit via any available modes of transport. Their objective is to give people problem-free and healthy teeth and gums, through proper dental treatments.

Filling & Restorations, Complete Dentures, Regular Oral Checkups, Root Canal Treatment, Dental Implants, Cosmetic Dentistry, Teeth Whitening, Dental X-Rays, Braces & Implants.

CERTIFICATE: Registration No : A-6207

Sun : Closed
Rest all Days : 5pm - 8:30pm

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5.0 (479)

148/149, Prizam Complex, First Floor, Opposite, Junagadh Bustand Rd, opp. Bus Station, Balotra, Junagadh, Gujarat 362001
Opposite to : Bus Station

Akshar Dental Clinic is a well-recognized Dental Clinic in Junagadh, providing treatments to patients in and outside Junagadh. Akshar Dental Clinic who provide reliable treatments that cure and help maintain healthy teeth and gums. They provide knowledge and guidance to all the patients and believe in giving quality treatments that will help in improving teeth problems within a budget.

Dental Implant Fixing, Cyst removal, Tooth Extraction, Crowns and Bridges Fixing, Prosthodontics, Endodontics & Conservative Dentistry, Root Canal Treatment, Third molar extractions (surgical).

Sun : Closed
Rest all Days : 9am - 1pm & 4pm - 8pm

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