5 Best Ayurvedic clinics in Kozhikode , Kerala

Experts recommended Top 5 Ayurvedic clinics in Kozhikode, Kerala. All Ayurvedic clinics listed here are comparatively the Most Authentic, based on our research done by evaluating business age, trust, reputation, excellence, quality of services, customer satisfaction and their feedback, pricing and value for money. These businesses are better options as "Ayurvedic clinics near me" in your local search. You get to see only the Best. Business verified by our team are labelled with verified badge. They are reliable & trustworthy. Their contact and business information are updated frequently.


4.9 (103)

65/1885, Thekkuveedu Lane, Kannur Rd, near Christian College, Kozhikode, Kerala 673001, India
Located in : Amalapuri

Tatva Ayurved is a renowned Ayurveda hospital in Calicut, Kerala, providing top-quality Ayurvedic treatments and services. Founded in 1998, it has over 20 years of experience in the field. The hospital is associated with the Keraleeya Ayurveda Samajam, Shoranur, and follows traditional Ayurvedic practices to provide holistic healing to its patients. With a team of expert doctors and professional staff, Tatva Ayurved offers a wide range of services such as Ayurvedic massage treatments, weight loss programs, and more. The hospital strives to make Ayurveda accessible to patients in India and around the world, and is committed to providing the best possible care to its patients.

• Ayurvedic treatments
• Ayurvedic massage treatments
• weight loss programs

Monday - Sunday: 7 AM–6:30 PM

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4.9 (114)

Tc dheeraj gurukkal, s/o Tc chandran gurukkal, Town Hall Rd, opp. crown theatre, Mananchira, Kozhikode, Kerala 673001
Located in : Mananchira

Kairali Kalari & Ayurveda, located in Kozhikode, Kerala, is a renowned Ayurvedic clinic that offers a wide range of traditional treatments and therapies. With experienced Kalari Gurukkals and Ayurvedic doctors, they aim to provide holistic healing to their patients. Their services include Kalari Chikilsa, Panchakarma, Marma Chikitsa, and Ayurvedic consultations and treatments. The business has been operating for several years and has gained a reputation for its effective and authentic treatments.

• Kalari Chikilsa
• Panchakarma
• Marma Chikitsa
• Ayurvedic Consultations and Treatments

Monday - Saturday: 9 am–6 pm
Sunday: 10–11:30 am

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4.8 (116)

Near Govt. Engineering College, East Hill-Chakkorathkulam Road, Kozhikode, Kerala 673005, India
Near : Govt. Engineering College

SINCE: 2004

Established in the year 2004, Sakalya Ayurveda Hospital is a premier preferred Ayurveda hospital in Kozhikode. They provide treatments for all age groups by experienced and professional doctors. Ayurveda provides a bunch of benefits by advancing physical, mental, and enthusiastic prosperity. They offer treatments and aim at satisfying their patients at an affordable range. Professional doctors provide treatments to every client in need. Their mission is your complete comprehensive health through a perfect blend of holistic healing.

Bone Joints and Arthritis, Neurology, Women Health and Infertility, Piles Fissure and Fistula, Child Health, Ayushkaameeyam Lifestyle and Skin and Psoriasis, Stroke Rehabilitation, Cosmetology.


All Days : 9am - 7pm

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4.8 (38)

Mini Bypass Rd, Thiruvannur, Kozhikode, Kerala 673007, India

Ayurveda provides a bunch of benefits by advancing physical, mental, and enthusiastic prosperity. Rishi Ayurveda is one of the most renowned Ayurvedic clinics in Kozhikode. They offer treatments and aim at satisfying their patients at an affordable range. Professional doctors provide treatments to every client in need. The treatment at Rishi is risk free in nature and high quality ayurvedic medicines are used for the treatments.

Diabetes, Wounds Diabetes, Ulcer, Retionopothy, Migrane BP, Headache, Sinusitis, Alzheimer's, Dimentia, Neuropothy, Beauty Care, Constipation, Rasayana, Pain Management Treatments, Kayakalp, Treatment Packages, Ayurveda Training.

Sun : Closed
Rest all Days : 8:30am - 5pm

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4.8 (166)

Abhayamritham Spine & joint Care Hospital Mundikkalthazham, Kottamparamba, Cherinchal Rd, Kozhikode, Kerala 673008, India
Located in : Chelavoor

Abhayamritham Spine & Joint Care Hospital is a specialized clinic in Kozhikode, Kerala that offers comprehensive care for spine, hip, and knee-related issues. Founded by Dr. Jayalekshmi and Dr. Arun in 2010, the hospital provides world-class preventive and curative treatments for spine and joint disorders. Their services include Ayurvedic treatments, orthopedic surgeries, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation. The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a team of experienced doctors and staff who are dedicated to providing the best possible care to their patients. The business has received positive reviews and ratings from its customers, highlighting its expertise and commitment to quality healthcare.

• Ayurvedic treatments
• orthopedic surgeries
• physiotherapy
• rehabilitation

Monday - Saturday: 6 AM–8 PM
Sunday: 6 AM–2 PM

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