5 Best Ayurvedic clinics in Bathinda , Punjab

Experts recommended Top 5 Ayurvedic clinics in Bathinda, Punjab. All Ayurvedic clinics listed here are comparatively the Most Authentic, based on our research done by evaluating business age, trust, reputation, excellence, quality of services, customer satisfaction and their feedback, pricing and value for money. These businesses are better options as "Ayurvedic clinics near me" in your local search. You get to see only the Best. Business verified by our team are labelled with verified badge. They are reliable & trustworthy. Their contact and business information are updated frequently.


5.0 (15)

SCF 20 Bibi Wala Road, Market, , Bathinda, Punjab 151001, India
Located in : Bharat Nagar

Patanjali Chikitsalay is an Ayurvedic clinic located in Bharat Nagar Market, Bathinda. It offers a wide range of Ayurvedic treatments and medicines to help improve overall health and wellness. The clinic is run by experienced doctors who provide personalized care and treatment plans for each patient. Some of the services offered at Patanjali Chikitsalay include Ayurvedic consultations, Panchakarma therapy, herbal medicine, and lifestyle counseling. With its focus on natural and holistic healing, Patanjali Chikitsalay is a popular choice for those seeking alternative healthcare options. The clinic also offers a variety of Ayurvedic products for purchase. Overall, Patanjali Chikitsalay is a well-established and reputable Ayurvedic clinic that provides high-quality services to its patients.

• Ayurvedic consultations
• Panchakarma therapy
• herbal medicine
• lifestyle counseling

Monday - Saturday: 9 AM–8 PM
Friday: 9 AM–8 AM
Sunday: 9 AM–2 PM

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4.4 (13)

Q 51, Sheeshmahal Colony, Dabwali Rd, near Ganpati Enclave, Bathinda, Punjab 151005, India
Near : Ganpati Enclave

Dr. Rashmi Khanna is an Ayurvedic Clinic of extremely professional doctors and staff. It is a clinic that is dedicated to knowledge & treatments for every patient in need. Their highly qualified and experienced Ayurvedic physicians will ensure that every patient is delivered with relaxing therapies and treatments. This clinic is a one-stop destination for every patient who needs treatment belonging to any age group.

Herbal Facepack, Njavara Kizhi, Rejuvenation, Sirodhara, Cerebral Palsy, Paralysis, Ulcerative Colitis, Allergic Rhinitis, Liver Cirrhosis.

All Days : 9am - 5pm

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5.0 (8)

#17519, 80 Feet Road, Opposite Rama Hospital, Near Balmiki Chowk, Bhatti, Bibi Wala Rd, Bathinda, Punjab 151001, 9914342835, India
Located in : Chandsar Basti

Million Wings Ayurvedic Hospital is a top-rated Ayurvedic treatment center in Bathinda, providing quality care and affordable surgical treatment packages for several years. Their services include Ayurvedic treatment for blood pressure, migraine, joint problems, and asthma. They also offer Nadi Swedanam and Prashanti Ayurvedic Clinic services. The category Ayurvedic clinics correctly represents their services.

• Ayurvedic treatment for blood pressure
• Ayurvedic treatment for migraine
• Ayurvedic treatment for joint problems
• Ayurvedic treatment for asthma
• Nadi Swedanam
• Prashanti Ayurvedic Clinic

Monday - Saturday: 10 AM–6 PM
Wednesday: Open 24 hours
Sunday: Closed

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4.8 (56)

Shop No.21, Backside Athithi Plaza, Kamla Nehru Market, Near, Bibi Wala Chowk, Bathinda, Punjab 151001, India
Near : Athithi Plaza

Shuddhi Hiims Ayurveda Clinic is one of the most renowned Ayurvedic clinics in Bathinda. They provide treatments for all age groups by experienced and professional doctors. Ayurveda provides a bunch of benefits by advancing physical, mental, and enthusiastic prosperity. They offer treatments and aim at satisfying their patients at an affordable range. Professional doctors provide treatments to every client in need.

Arthritis, Low Back Pain, Obesity, Abyangam, Sirovasti, Dhara, Pizhichil, Urovasti, Pichu, Skin Treatment, Fever Treatment.

Sun : Closed
Rest all Days : 9am - 6pm

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5.0 (3)

Namdev Marg, near Street No:10, opp. ganpati Superspeciality Hospital, , Bathinda, Punjab 151001, India
Located in : Ganesh Nagar

Chahal Ayurvedic Hospital & Panchkarma Center is a renowned Ayurvedic clinic in Bathinda, Punjab. They offer a wide range of services including Ayurvedic treatments, Panchkarma therapies, and herbal medicines for various health conditions. The clinic is led by experienced Ayurvedic doctors and has a team of trained therapists who provide personalized treatment plans for each patient. With a focus on holistic healing and natural remedies, Chahal Ayurvedic Hospital & Panchkarma Center has gained a reputation for being one of the best Ayurvedic hospitals in the region.

• Ayurvedic treatments
• Panchkarma therapies
• herbal medicines

Monday - Saturday: 9 AM–5 PM
Sunday: Closed

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