5 Best Air conditioning services in Muzaffarpur , Bihar

Experts recommended Top 5 Air conditioning services in Muzaffarpur, Bihar. All Air conditioning services listed here are comparatively the Most Authentic, based on our research done by evaluating business age, trust, reputation, excellence, quality of services, customer satisfaction and their feedback, pricing and value for money. These businesses are better options as "Air conditioning services near me" in your local search. You get to see only the Best. Business verified by our team are labelled with verified badge. They are reliable & trustworthy. Their contact and business information are updated frequently.


4.9 (76)

Sharma Complex, Kalambhagh Chowk , Muzaffarpur, Bihar - 842001, IN

SINCE: 2018

Rakesh Refrigeration, the technician washes and cleans the air filter. The condenser fins are also washed and cleaned for any molds and dirt build-up during air conditioner service. They specialize in installation, repair and maintenance of all types of air conditioning systems, from central air conditioners to window units. Dust and soot are enemies of your air conditioning system as they cause overheating of the system.

Central Ac, Window Ac, Split Ac, Hybrid Ac, Portable Ac Units, Fridge, Washing Machine, R.o Water, Electric Geyser, Commercial Refrigeration Systems.

All Days : Open 24 hours

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5.0 (22)

Zila Parishad Market, Juran Chhapra , Muzaffarpur, Bihar - 842001, IN

SINCE: 2015

RDS Solution is a locally owned and operated air conditioning service in Muzaffarpur. The company has over five years of experience in the industry. All of their technicians are fully trained and approved by all the major manufacturers, including Daikin and Mitsubishi. They will treat your home or business with the utmost respect and attention. RDS Solution's fully qualified maintenance team are experts in all types, makes and models of all air conditioning services.

AC Repair, AC Gas Refilling, AC Service, AC Installation, Refrigerator, Washing Machine.

Fri : 3pm - 7 pm
Sun : 8 am - 8 pm
Rest all Days : 9 am - 6 pm

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4.7 (80)

Kalambagh Road, Speaker Chowk , Muzaffarpur, Bihar - 842001, IN

SINCE: 2000

Royal Refrigeration Works is one of Muzaffarpur's best refrigeration and air conditioning service businesses. Their team can assist in finding a solution tailored to the requirements of any home. Their goal is to ensure all their customers experience prompt, professional and friendly service, whether they want to install a completely new air conditioning system or need a small repair job.

Air Conditioning Repairs, Services, Maintenance, Installation, Refrigerator, Washing Machine.

All Days : 9am - 8pm

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